Everybody loves a deck especially with deck supplies things are pretty easier now. There is something very inviting about a back yard deck that would relax you. PVC composite decking materials are starting to make inroads into the market with the help of decking supplies, but the advantages of this type of decking may not be fully realized.

Here, the advantages of PVC decking are explained in detail :

  1. Low Maintenance

Little to no maintenance is the biggest advantage of Composite Decking (otherwise known as PVC). Unlike natural timber, composite decking does not rot, fade, discolor, twist, warp, attract termites or mold. Natural timber requires regular oiling or staining (at least once per year) at a significant cost in both time and materials. PVC Composite decking eliminates these costs. Reclaim your weekends!

  1. It is good for the environment

Most PVC boards are made from recycled materials, up to 90% of the total composition. These materials are typically reclaimed hardwoods and recycled plastics, reducing the amount of plastic heading for landfill. Some suppliers also have FSC accreditation, which ensures the responsible use of timber in manufacture. It is worth noting that you should avoid decking which uses rice pulp instead of reclaimed hardwood, as this material may not be recycled and is prone to moisture absorption, leading to warping and premature decay.

  1. PVC composite decking supplied in standard sizes

PVC decking is supplied in standard widths and lengths, helping you ensure you are getting full value for money. It also means you will not have to sort through your timber delivery looking for the appropriate size and grade of the board. This can greatly reduce the waste on your project. Longer lengths also mean fewer joints, reducing the risk of expansion.

  1. Installation can actually be cheaper

As the PVC Composite Decking boards are standardized and normally much larger than natural timber boards, installation cost may actually be reduced. This is because larger boards’ means larger areas can be decked more quickly, potentially saving labor costs. Decking supplied with below surface or ‘hidden’ fixings also require fewer screws than natural timber, which needs a minimum of 4 screws for each and every board, regardless of length.

  1. Can be used in marine areas

Thanks to its non-corrosive properties, PVC Decking is ideal for marinas, jetties, pontoons and around spas and swimming pools. It will not rot from exposure to water, nor will it attract mold. Most composites are also non-slip – highly practical in wet areas.

Source: https://www.royalinnovation.ca/pvc-composite-decking-advantages/

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