The roof is the most important structure in your home. This is an undeniable universal truth that you would regret were you to forget it. As such, ensuring that your roof has the right framework support should be your first priority. There are two methods through which this may be achieved: traditional roof framing methods and the roof truss method. Of the two the roof truss method offers far more benefits as it is more technologically advanced. Once you choose to go with the roof truss option, you will now have to choose the design that you think would best suit your property.

There are a number of truss designs which might make the final decision as to which design to go with slightly difficult. However, this may be looked at as being advantageous in that you can also make custom truss if you wanted. The first thing that you should do when choosing your truss design is to ensure that you have the right knowledge on roof trusses and the different designs in the market. Within your research ensure you go to forums and read on the opinions provided by the experts in this field. There are hundreds of such information sources as well as a number of blogs written by the experts themselves on their own experiences.

The general classification of roof trusses is made of two groups: flat and pitched trusses. Flat trusses are so named due to the parallel chords that make its top and bottom. These are generally simple truss structures with some variants such as the sloping flat truss which is slightly diagonal than the flat truss.

The pitched truss is so named due to the pitch or inclination involved in its design. These types of trusses are steeply inclined though the level of inclination may change from one truss design to the next.

Lastly, when choosing your roof truss design, try to think of the big picture. Take the time to examine your house from the exterior and envision which truss layout would best fit it. Also be sure to examine the structural layout of the design and whether or not it would be feasible to go with the design you have in mind or choose another. If you are still unsure check with an expert to give you the best advise.

After checking all these, all that is left is the actual construction of the truss and evaluating which manufacturer should do it for you.

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