Swimming in your pool is a good way to beat the summer heat. Constructing a deck beside your pool will enhance the whole experience and give you convenience since it will help you get out of the pool quickly and you can even use it as a lounging area. It is also a simple project provided that you plan ahead and ask for some help from your friends.


The materials that you needed to procure for your project are two by six stock that is pressure treated; four by four pressure treated post stock; joist for the floor; joist hangers, railings, two ½ inch deck nails, sand, H2O, deck nails, bolts, 2 ½ inch deck screws, paint, base tube, stakes, floor joists and post anchor.


The tools that you needed for this project are hammer, saw, air gun, shovel, wheelbarrow, tape measure, level and pen and paper.


The overall look of your decks depends on what kind of pool you have. If it is a pool that is constructed in the ground, you should build a concrete deck. If it is built above the ground, you should build a wooden deck. You should also decide the exact width of your project so that you can determine the dimensions for your plan. Use traditional wooden board lengths to lessen the parts that needed to be cut.

Majority of two by six stock comes in ten inches lengths. Plot the place of the footing with stakes or paint. Dig four inches holes in the ground. Install a base tube three inches below the frost line. If needed, get a building permit from your local municipality first before proceeding with the project. Pour cement inside the base tubes and install an anchor into the cement before it hardens.

If a doorway serves as an entrance to the area, measure four inches below from the sill of door to find the upper part of the deck joists. Place a two by six ledger board as a height indicator. Check if the posts are the same height as the level board. With the help of the two by six stock, secure the frame of the deck with a drill and bolts. Attach the deck frame to the posts with the help of the bolts. Use the nails to attach the joists hangers to the frame at sixteen inches apart. Attach the floor joists into position. Divide the two by six stock to your desired length. Sand the corners to avoid any unnecessary injury.

Make sure that you will not miss any excess materials as the railings will be connected to the frame. Carefully install the stocks and place the marks up and down. It will help maintain the flatness of the deck especially if the wooden boards are slightly lumped.

Place enough space between the boards to ensure that no H2O will stagnate. Secure the decking with a pair of ½” deck screws. Majority of home improvement stores offer pre-constructed railings. Secure the railings with the help of the drill and screws to the frame and posts. In some cases, you may want to test the strength of the railing stiles before installing it.


Remember that some stocks that are pressure-treated does not adhere to paint or varnish well so check first before buying a paint that you want. If you want to put some varnish, try to test it first before connecting the pieces together. You can also check with your local building inspector if you need to also build a fence around your pool area.

Please visit thedeckguys if you want to know more about how to build a pool deck or how to build a pool deck in general.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2840643