There’s no reason to be satisfied with a bland, gray concrete pool deck anymore. Why settle for the boring style of twenty years ago, when you can have a deck that is stylish and attractive? The answer lies in being able to stain and stamp your pool deck – it’s much less expensive than having a new deck installed, and the results are amazing!

If you took a walk around your neighborhood and checked out each pool that has a concrete pool deck, chances are most of them would be the standard poured concrete without any decoration or style added. You might find a coat of paint on a few, but that would probably be the extent of it. The reason for this is that most people just are not aware that there are options available to make the concrete more beautiful.

Concrete definitely has several advantages, which is why there are so many concrete pool decks:

· Safe – The texture of a concrete pool deck provides good traction to bare feet. Clearly, safety is a priority issue around pools.

· Easy to clean – If something gets spilled on concrete, no problem – a quick spray of the hose and you’re done.

· Durable – A concrete pool deck doesn’t rot like a wood deck will over time.

But even with all these advantage, concrete can still be improved. Imagine your pool deck still having the benefits of concrete as mentioned above, but looking exactly like antique stone. Or your deck could appear as the dark orange bricks or pavers. You could even make your concrete pool deck have the appearance of a hardwood floor. Yet with any of these looks you still have the safety and durability of concrete.

You can achieve this by staining and stamping your deck. Manufacturers such as Renew-Crete Systems and Cool Deck make tools and materials available for this type of work.

Staining is what gives the pool deck an amazing color. Instead of gray concrete, you can be enjoying any one of a host of colors. Earth tones are common, but in reality it is your pool deck so the final decision is yours. There are two components to staining:

1. Before the new overlay of concrete is poured, you will mix in an integral color based on your preference. So the concrete that is being applied already has the basic color in it.

2. Then, after the concrete has been poured but before it dries, an additional coloring agent is applied in powder form. This adds more color to the new layer of concrete.

Stamping is what brings about the amazing appearance of all those different textures mentioned above. There are different concrete stamps to use for each situation, depending on what you want your concrete deck to look like. With the concrete still wet, and right after applying the powder coloring agent, the stamp of choice is applied many times all over the surface.
Visit thedeckguys/ for lots of helpful information about concrete pool decks.

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